Wonderful Lines from Walkinstown

All of the children’s books are taking their final shape this week, and we are very impressed with the writing. Here’s a selection of favourite lines from the 5th Class girls at Assumption Walkinstown:

As I zoomed down at high speed, everything started to wobble. (Rwan)

I was stunned into silence. (Alex)

The waterfalls glowed with various colours – light pink, light blue and light purple. (Nellet)

She had landed on a lovely rose bush. That was the dream scene she had painted and it had come true. (Sophie D R)

I woke to the rattling ring of my alarm clock and slowly rolled over to my bedside locker to turn it off. (Zoe)

We both woke up to see a ton of beautiful magical creatures surrounding us. (Alyssa)

Could the cards that we usually played with be alive, like human beings? (Fatima)

A few moment later, my eyes were stung with brightness from the sun. (Aoife)

They moved through the curious place looking left and right and all around. (Robyn)

As I danced gracefully around the garden, I found a bump in the ground. (Sophie P)

It was a piano path that actually made sounds like a piano. (Chloe)

To my amazement, the thing was half wolf, half human. (Lacey)

Then I heard a cute, high-pitched voice giggling. (Roz)

As I walked in, I noticed what seemed to be an unfamiliar door. I opened it cautiously and curiously. (Anna)

I peeked behind the mesmerising, multi-coloured lolly tree. (Alisha)

A strange creature half hopped, half walked towards me and said, “hi – I’ll be your guide and instructor.” (Kavagha)

Once I saw the light, I ran as fast as I could. (Megan)

“You’re the chosen one,” Hearty grinned. (Stephanie)

“I can fly!” Poppy said very happily. “Yes, you can, and you have a horn and a glittery tail. Wait Poppy – you’re a unicorn!” (Emma)

I closed my eyes, not understanding what was happening. When I opened them, I was in a different world. (Bayley)

The shell started sparkling – everything started fading and only the dazzling shell was in sight. (Áine)

“Hi Human, my name is Spike. Nice to meet you!” He spoke nicely, which surprised Natsu. (Shauna)

“You will pull a book and a bookshelf will slide back.” (Roxy)

The second strange thing that caught my attention was my hair, which was multi-coloured, not my beautiful black locks that I loved so much. (Sarah M)

As she turned around, she was nose to nose with an animal. (Lily)

On my desk was a note. I opened it, but as I did the weirdest thing happened – I seemed to be swirling, twirling and floating away from my classroom. (Amber)


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